
At Far North Gastro, we offer a comprehensive range of advanced procedures to diagnose and treat various gastrointestinal conditions. Our team of skilled gastroenterologists utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure precise diagnoses and effective treatments.

Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, or OGD, allows our specialists to examine and biopsy the lining of the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum using a flexible endoscope. This procedure is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as ulcers, gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, Coeliac disease and Barrett's esophagus. We can screen and surveil for oesophageal and gastric cancers as per clinical guidelines.

We offer therapeutic endoscopic services including oesophageal stricture dilatation, botox injection for achalasia/spastic oesophageal disorders, and treatment of bleeding gastrointestinal lesions.

Colonoscopy and Polypectomy

A colonoscopy is a vital screening tool for the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer and other gastrointestinal conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). This procedure examines the entire colon using a colonoscope to identify abnormalities and also allows for polypectomy to remove pre-cancerous polyps and reduce the risk of future colorectal cancer.

Oesophageal Manometry and pH studies

Dr Han performs and interprets all manometry and pH studies at the Cairns Base Hospital. These tests are indicated for people with swallowing difficulties and those with reflux symptoms refractory to standard medical management.

Rapid Access Endoscopy

We offer a Rapid Access Endoscopy service that allows eligible patients to have both consultation and endoscopy on the same day. This service minimises delays in waiting for outpatient consultations to occur when the need to proceed to endoscopy is clear.

All referrals are reviewed by our doctors. Eligible patients are assessed over the telephone and booked directly to have their endoscopic procedure(s) at their preferred hospital.

Rapid Access Endoscopy is only available to patients with private health insurance.

Who is eligible for Rapid Access Endoscopy?

You are eligible for Rapid Access Endoscopy if 

You HAVE one of the following indications for endoscopy

  • Cancer screening

  • Iron deficiency ± anaemia

  • Positive Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)

  • Personal history of polyps or cancer

  • Family history of gastrointestinal cancer

  • Rectal bleeding

You DO NOT HAVE any of the following conditions

  • Age over 70 years old

  • BMI over 35

  • Serious heart, lung, kidney or liver disease 

  • Previous difficulties with anaesthesia

  • Impaired mobility affecting independence with bowel preparation

  • Blood thinning medications (not including aspirin)

From state-of-the-art equipment to meticulous attention to detail, we guarantee excellence in every procedure, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your care.